Legal certainty for companies
Our business law firm provides legal protection for your business, contracts and personnel matters.
As a team of lawyers specialising in labour law, commercial and corporate law, business lawyers and intellectual property experts with many years of experience in the economic field, we see ourselves as partners and service providers for innovators, founders and entrepreneurs.
Our law firm mainly serves innovative small and medium-sized companies and start-ups in corporate law. These include German and international hidden champions, family-owned companies, as well as corporations and public agencies.
We advise you all throughout the start-up phase, accompany you in your growth and M&A processes and provide support for company succession at an early stage. Our attorneys and business lawyers always work with the highest professional quality for your goals and concerns.
Everything at a glance
Starting a business
We will be happy to work out a legal strategy with you to lay the foundation for a solid and professionally managed company and to make the establishment of the company a success.
Mergers & Acquisitions
As a Dresden law firm for entrepreneurs with a focus on business law and commercial and corporate law, we advise our business clients on the acquisition and sale of companies.
Company succession
We help to find the best possible solution for a change of ownership, taking into account the legal aspects. We offer you professional and discreet cooperation for the effective implementation of business succession in Dresden.
Personnel matters
Our clients appreciate the ongoing support of our specialist lawyers for employment law in personnel matters, which for us already begins with assistance in the selection of suitable applicants as well as in the conclusion of a legally secure, up-to-date employment contract and can serve to avoid disputes in many cases through the ongoing coordination of measures in the employment relationship.
Cooperations and internationalization
We accompany you on your growth path through our legal support in the development of new markets, business models and the establishment of ecosystems.
Important tasks include corporate and corporate law advice to corporations, in particular limited liability companies (GmbH). The scope of services provided by our business law lawyers at white ip depends entirely on the individual needs of our mandators.
They include legal advice and support in the establishment of companies, the structuring of companies, as well as company restructuring, company reorganisations, the transfer of business shares, company takeovers and company mergers or company splits.
Our expertise in commercial law
covers a wide range of legal areas.
Efficient, professional and solution-oriented – we see ourselves as lawyers for entrepreneurs. With our global view of your legal concerns, our promotion of preventive action, and our transparent and thorough handling, we help you achieve your business goals.
The clarification of general civil law problems, as well as appropriate preventive criminal law advice, in compliance with laws and guidelines (compliance), is also part of the area of responsibility of our lawyer for commercial law. The aim of our corporate law advice is always to be proactive on behalf of the client in order to avoid protracted disputes.
For us, business law advice is about first-class quality and providing clients with advice on how to fulfil their many tasks. In doing so, we try to develop not only legally correct solutions, but above all economically reasonable ones.Lawyers for commercial law
Due to our specialization in business law and corporate law, we offer a wide range of legal expertise. This comprehensive orientation of the attorneys in our law firm enables us to competently and professionally assist you with all questions and legal steps related to corporate matters.
Why is this specialisation necessary?
The legal issues and problems in business life are diverse and often difficult to assign to just one area of law.
For example, drawing up an employment contract requires in-depth expertise in employment law and contract law. In addition, however, factors from other areas of law, such as data protection or discrimination, must also be taken into account.
What are the advantages for our clients?
The law firm white ip | Patent & Legal is your contact for all legal cases and tasks – and thus practically acts as your company’s own legal department. Due to the close and trusting cooperation, we have an overview of all processes and contractual regulations in your company and can provide you with comprehensive support.
Speak to our experts
Albrecht Lauf
white ip | Patent & Legal
Königstraße 7 | 01097 Dresden
Sabrina Lahne
white ip | Patent & Legal
Königstraße 7 | 01097 Dresden
Dieter Merz
white ip | Patent & Legal
Königstraße 7 | 01097 Dresden
Josephine Klawon
white ip | Patent & Legal
Königstraße 7 | 01097 Dresden
white ip | Patent & Legal
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Corporate analysis
One of our specialities is the analysis of your company. We call it the “company check”. Depending on the questions asked, the strengths and weaknesses of your company are highlighted and, if necessary, alternative solutions are presented. There is no better way to prevent. You simply tell us what you want – we’ll take care of everything else.
Drafting the contract
and monitoring the implementation of the contract
and monitoring the implementation of the contract
Of course, we also accompany your operative business with purchase and work contracts, distribution as well as your legal relationships with commercial agents and service providers. You can rely on our many years of experience in drafting employment contracts as well as in drafting contracts and evaluating the legal consequences in all areas of law. We carry out an all-encompassing company check and help with the creation of a contract management system. This includes the collection, archiving and evaluation of contracts maintained by the company. In addition, at your request, we will review existing contracts and revise them if necessary. In particular, we create individual General Terms and Conditions (GTC) tailored to your needs. We will also be pleased to review your existing GTCs. The starting point is always your business purpose and your clientele. This is what we build the GTC on.
We can also assist in drafting or reviewing terms and conditions for specific legal transactions such as construction and work contracts, agency agreements, leases, rental agreements, insurance contracts or banking transactions.
In all areas, we attach importance to our client’s ideas, current case law and possible changes in the economic framework conditions. In the event of a dispute, we advise on the weak points of the opposing contract and exploit them in the interests of our client’s commercial success.
The public limited company (Aktiengesellschaft) in Germany
Choosing the corporate form of a joint-stock company in Germany (AG) means that a company can raise large amounts of capital, as required by a modern large-scale enterprise. Since the shareholders do not enter into any further obligations with the share purchase, the AG can address a wide audience on the general capital market. The easy transferability of shares is also essential, in the case of listed companies via the stock exchange. The AG is the preferred corporate form for large companies.
We can assist with all questions regarding the formation of a company, in particular the articles of association, the formation report and the formation audit. We will prepare the Annual General Meeting with you and will be happy to attend if you wish. We draw up rules of procedure for the Executive Board and Supervisory Board as well as corresponding service contracts for executives and employees. We also provide a competent team to carry out audits of the annual financial statements and management reports of medium-sized companies.
The so-called Europa AG, the European Company (SE) is a legal form for companies that are active or wish to become active in various Member States of the European Union. It considerably facilitates cross-border cooperation: Subsidiaries no longer have to be founded in different countries according to different laws. Instead, all parts of the company united in an Europa AG will be given a uniform legal dress.
Other corporate law services
We advise you on the formation of a small public limited company (Kleine Aktiengesellschaft), a German public limited company (AG), a European public limited company, a German civil law partnership (GbR), a German limited liability company (GmbH), a German limited partnership (KG), a German limited company (Ltd.), a German general partnership (OHG), European Company (SE) and on German partnership companies of the liberal professions.
We are also happy to advise you in the context of company takeovers as well as restructurings or transformations. We support you with questions regarding joint ventures, mergers & acquisitions or private equity.
Comprehensive support from our law firm
Legal partner for management and board of directors
- Many years of experience in the legal support of company owners, shareholders and managing directors ensures you the best possible support
- Advice on corporate governance, including the liability of managing directors and board members
- Drafting shareholders’ and board of directors’ agreements as well as articles of association and company agreements
- Legal advice as well as representation in court and during negotiations in disputes, proceedings and claims
Mergers & Acquisitions and Start-ups
- Consulting and implementation of the entire startup, merger or transaction process
- Legal due diligence with risk assessment and review of legal aspects
- Drafting and review of letters of intent (non-disclosure agreement), guarantee catalogues, partnership agreements and M&A agreements
- Procurement of prospective buyers and sellers
- Raising capital and confidentiality agreements with potential investors
Employment law support for companies
- Advice on regulations and formalities for dismissals and representation in court in actions for protection against dismissal
- Drafting of all relevant employment contracts such as employment agreements, incentive agreements and stock option plans
- Dealing with all legal issues related to recruitment procedures and employee or contractor relationships.
Full Service
- We accompany you during all phases of your business as a full-service law firm and external legal department
- Contact person for all activities related to legally compliant contract drafting and contract review
- Legal support in the establishment, protection and monetization of intangible rights and corporate assets
white ip | Group
Co-operation despite barriers: The path to co-operation
The specialists at white ip provide support in putting cross-company co-operations on a solid legal, financial and economic footing – so that all partners can concentrate on developing innovative solutions
white ip x Composites United
We are delighted to be an official member of the Composites United network with immediate effect.