white ip | Patent & Legal GmbH
Königstraße 7
01097 Dresden
+49 (0) 351 896 921 40
white ip | Business Solutions GmbH
Königstraße 7
01097 Dresden
+49 (0) 351 896 921 50
white ip | Tax Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH
Königstraße 7
01097 Dresden
+49 (0) 351 896 921 58


As an entrepreneur, you can’t take care of everything – even if you wanted to. You certainly do not always have the time to deal intensively with the bookkeeping and its evaluation – even if it were important. We are happy to assist you as an external partner, take on tasks in the background and give you regular reports and recommendations for action tailored to them. We take over the controlling of your accounting for you.

Get to know your company with us. With us you will understand what the BWA really says, how your company is doing, how third parties see you, for example the bank, investors or suppliers and what you may have to change in order to increase profitability. Use the advantages of an external controlling!

Gehirn als Symbol für geistiges Eigentum
Gehirn als Symbol für geistiges Eigentum
Gehirn als Symbol für geistiges Eigentum

Warum brauche ich ein Controlling?

Corporate planning serves as the basis for successful and meaningful controlling. After a new plan has been set up or an existing one has been checked, external controlling can be set up. Building on the planning, you now know what income and expenses you plan with and how you want to finance your investments and running costs. In order to have everything at a glance, we therefore recommend not only checking and updating your corporate planning on a monthly basis, but also building one Cost and income reporting, liquidity reporting and sales reporting.


Kosten- und Ertrags­reporting


Ein gutes Kosten- und Ertrags­reportung beantwortet die folgenden Fragen:

  • Wie entwickelt sich mein Unter­nehmen im Vergleich zur Unter­nehmens­planung?
  • Wie gestaltet sich die Ent­wicklung in den nächsten 6-12 Monaten?
  • Wofür gebe ich mein Geld aus?
  • Wird das Geld sinn­voll aus­gegeben oder gibt es ver­steckte Kosten?



Über die Liquiditäts­situation sollte dem Unter­nehmen mindestens folgendes bekannt sein:

  • wieviel freies Geld hat das Unter­nehmen aktuell zur Ver­fügung?
  • Wie lange reicht das Geld, wenn das Unter­nehmen aktuell keine weiteren Geld­eingänge hat?
  • Reicht der aktuelle Bestand an flüssigen Mitteln, die aus­stehenden Geld­eingänge sowie die geplanten Um­sätze zum Erhalt des Unter­nehmens?



Womit und mit welchem Kunden verdiene ich mein Geld:

  • Mit welchen Produkten oder Dienst­leistungen verdiene ich etwas und bei welchen verdiene ich nichts?
  • Mit welchen Kunden verdiene ich mein Geld?
  • Mit welchen Kunden verdiene ich 80% des Um­satzes?

Unsere Leistung umfasst dabei folgende Punkte:



The balance sheet, P&L and liquidity planning give you security and financial leeway.



Not only of interest to banks and financiers but also for your own overview.



Why key figures? Without it, we did well. Yes, but with key figures you can see a lot earlier and you don’t just have to rely on your gut.



Target / actual comparisons, deviation analysis or ABC analyzes provide valuable information and are part of the day-to-day business of controlling.



Product calculations based on an optimized calculation scheme form the backbone of the company. We are also happy to take on the topic of post-calculation.



Every euro saved increases the company’s profit. The focus here is not only on material costs, but mainly on material costs.



Systematic performance measurement and analyzes at all performance levels reveal potential for improvement. The aim here is to improve and optimize corporate performance at all levels.


Make or Buy

Manufacture yourself or buy it at least, this is often not an easy decision, which also contains a lot of potential for errors. Our analyzes determine the best solution for you.


Ihre Ansprech­partner

Sebastian Mähler
Sebastian Mähler
white ip | Business Solutions GmbH
Koenigstrasse 7 | 01097 Dresden
Tobias Kirchhoff
white ip | Business Solutions GmbH
Koenigstrasse 7 | 01097 Dresden

You build the future. We create the framework.

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