Patent law
Have you invented an everyday object or a high-tech product? Protect your technical invention with a patent.
Patents are technical property rights with which you can stand your ground against competitors. Patents provide protection for a limited period of time, which is limited to a maximum of 20 years.
Accordingly, patents grant their owner an exclusive right which prohibits third parties from using or marketing the protected invention without the owner’s consent. This protects the invention from unauthorized use by third parties and strengthens your market position. And thus prevents financial damage.
By publishing your invention, you also give others the motivation and basis to make innovative inventions themselves. In this way, you actively contribute to technical progress. This is the fundamental motivation behind a patent.
Everything at a glance
Claiming a patent
We would be happy to work with you to develop a strategy on how you can successfully protect your idea.
Patent attorney
We are happy to represent your concerns and help you to implement your entrepreneurial ideas.
Patent infringement
In order to protect you from any kind of patent infringement, we, as patent attorneys, are at your disposal as a competent partner right from the start.
Patentability assessment
We would be pleased to prepare a patent report with you in order to check the protectability of your patent.
Patent classification
The patent classification depends on the different areas of technology to which the patent pertains. Other crucial factors include the use reserved for the patentee as well as the manner and conditions under which the invention is put on the market and thus made available to the public.
Product Patent
Protection of the design, construction, and composition of an object which fall within the scope of the inventive product.
Process Patent
Protection of the utilization of a process belonging to the inventor.
The patent attorneys and attorneys-at-law at white ip | Patent & Legal represent your legal interests in all official, extrajudicial and judicial proceedings. We are there for you to protect your interests and defend you in infringement proceedings. We specialize in national and international patent law.
white ip | Business Solutions GmbH advises you on the economic aspects of intellectual property.
Insights and inspiration
Patents & innovations
IP & Nachhaltigkeitsziele: Insights zum Welttag des geistigen Eigentums
In welchen Bereichen werden die meisten nachhaltigkeits-relevanten Technologien geschützt?
Globales Wettrennen um KI-Patente und Entwicklungen
Aktuelle Einblicke in die Entwicklungen rund um die Künstliche Intelligenz und die sich um die Technologie entwickelnden Märkte.
R&D trends in Germany – Patent statistics as an Innovation indicator
The current figures provide an insight into the research and development landscape and are important indicators of innovation and potential economic growth.
Speak to our experts
Dr. Leopold Gruner
white ip | Patent & Legal
Königstraße 7 | 01097 Dresden
Dipl.-Ing. Sophia Falk
white ip | Patent & Legal
Königstraße 7 | 01097 Dresden
Dr. Michael Geiger
white ip | Patent & Legal
Königstraße 7 | 01097 Dresden
Dr. Tristan Schuh
white ip | Patent & Legal
Königstraße 7 | 01097 Dresden