Owners of a registered trade mark, a company sign or an unregistered sign which is perceived as a trade mark due to its constant use in the course of trade are entitled to a defence against trade mark infringement. A trademark infringement exists under certain conditions.
First of all, it is necessary that the owner of the trade mark right can show a prior/senior right to the trade mark. In short, this means that the trade mark right/trademark must have arisen before the potentially infringing sign. If this is the case, which must be decided on a case-by-case basis, it is also necessary that the infringing trade mark is identical or similar to the earlier trade mark. As your law firm for trade mark law, our lawyers and patent attorneys are the first point of contact for trade mark infringements. We will show you your options and potential risks in a personalised consultation and represent you in court and in out-of-court negotiations.
If you have committed a potential trademark infringement or have discovered that your trademark rights are being infringed by third parties, our team of attorneys specialising in trademark infringement is at your disposal.
We can guarantee you appointments at short notice in order to advise you transparently and represent your interests efficiently and professionally.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thanks to our focus on commercial legal protection and trade mark matters, we are always able to quickly provide you with the right contact person for your specific case. We also represent you in preliminary injunction proceedings of all instances and obtain warning letters if your trade mark rights are infringed.
white ip | Patent & Legal sees itself as your specialised lawyer for national and international trademark law and also advises clients as a trademark lawyer in Dresden, Munich, Chemnitz and Leipzig.
Speak to our experts
Josephine Klawon
white ip | Patent & Legal
Königstraße 7 | 01097 Dresden
Sabrina Lahne
white ip | Patent & Legal
Königstraße 7 | 01097 Dresden
Our services
Register a trademark
Our trademark attorneys specialized in trademark law file German, European and international trademark applications.
Trademark Research
In the course of a trademark research, our lawyers will check whether your registration number has already been registered as a trademark in an identical or similar form.
Sollten Sie feststellen, dass Ihre Markenrechte verletzt wurden, stehen Ihnen unsere Anwälte zur Verfügung.
Beratung und Verteidigung
Wir vertreten Ihre Belange im Markenrecht und sind Ihnen bei der Durchsetzung Ihrer unternehmerischen Ideenfindung behilflich.
Unsere Anwälte werden mit der Erstellung von Markengutachten betreut, wenn eine Produkteinführung bevorsteht.
Trademark infringement
A trade mark infringement entails a large number of claims:
Right to cease and desist
Right to cancellation
Right to information
Creation of trademark appraisals
Insights and inspiration
Die geografischen Herkunftsangaben: Wenn Herkunft und Marke aufeinandertreffen
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