Trademark law
A trademark “marks” a product and thus enables it to be differentiated from competitors’ goods.
This recognition value is particularly important in free competition, because a consumer’s reference to a brand can turn an unknown product into an unmistakable branded product. Accordingly, a brand is an asset that needs to be secured extensively.
Our services
Register a trademark
Our trademark attorneys specialized in trademark law file German, European and international trademark applications.
Trademark Research
In the course of a trademark research, our lawyers will check whether your registration number has already been registered as a trademark in an identical or similar form.
Trademark attorney
We represent your concerns in trademark law and help you to implement your entrepreneurial ideas.
Trademark infringement
If you find that your trademark rights have been infringed, our lawyers are at your disposal.
Trademark Appraisals
Our lawyers assist with the preparation of brand reports when a product launch is imminent.
What is a trademark?
Trademarks – also called identifiers – serve to distinguish the goods and services of one company from those of other companies. Customers often associate a distinctive trademark with their ideas about the company’s brand and identity as well of the quality of its products. That’s why trademarks influence consumers’ buying decisions every day. They can therefore, depending on trademark recognition and brand awareness, they can represent a considerable asset value and contribute significantly to the success of a company.
We protect your trademark
To ensure that you do not lose sight of the business aspects and valuation of your IP, our partner white ip | Business Solutions and white ip | Tax are at your disposal.
Speak to our experts
Josephine Klawon
white ip | Patent & Legal
Königstraße 7 | 01097 Dresden
Sabrina Lahne
white ip | Patent & Legal
Königstraße 7 | 01097 Dresden
Insights and inspiration
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