white ip | Patent & Legal GmbH
Königstraße 7
01097 Dresden
+49 (0) 351 896 921 40
white ip | Business Solutions GmbH
Königstraße 7
01097 Dresden
+49 (0) 351 896 921 50
white ip | Tax Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH
Königstraße 7
01097 Dresden
+49 (0) 351 896 921 58
We transform ideas into
white ip responsive Variante
white ip group

Our goal for you: Creating sustainable value


“…of a company’s market capitalization is in the form of intangible assets, which include patents, trademarks, copyrights and other business knowledge and know-how.

– Forbes

“…of all inventions for which patents have been granted reach the commercialization phase of the innovation process.

– WIPO (World intellectual property organization)

Data Driven Analysis

With The Power Of Data

Data is the new gold, and we offer the tools to turn it into treasure. Our analyses provide you with in-depth insights into your industry, competitors and technology trends. Using modern technologies and precise analyses, we support well-founded decisions, identify innovation potential and strengthen your market position. Rely on our expertise to make your company future-proof.
Data Driven Analysis

With The Power Of Data

Data is the new gold, and we offer the tools to turn it into treasure. Our analyses provide you with in-depth insights into your industry, competitors and technology trends. Using modern technologies and precise analyses, we support well-founded decisions, identify innovation potential and strengthen your market position. Rely on our expertise to make your company future-proof.
Stage 01


1. analyze own innovation
Maximize the value of your IP rights through a comprehensive IP portfolio assessment. We identify gaps and opportunities and develop strategies to optimize and monetize your IP rights.
2. evaluate own competencies
Evaluate your technological competencies, processes and resources. Our business analysis identifies your strengths and weaknesses in order to make informed strategic decisions and promote your growth.
3. recognize own protective measures
Understand your technological strengths and weaknesses compared to the competition. Our technology landscape analysis increases your innovative capacity and optimizes your technological positioning through comprehensive benchmarking analyses and concrete recommendations.
Stage 02

Environment assessment

1. recognize opportunities
Gain comprehensive insights into market trends and innovation potential. Our analysis provides well-founded insights and practice-oriented recommendations to promote your growth in a targeted manner.
2. determine position
Understand the competitive environment in order to make strategic decisions that strengthen your market position and ensure long-term competitiveness. The result of a competitive analysis provides valuable insights and a sound basis for these strategic decisions.
3. expand boundaries
Identify and evaluate new technologies that offer your company strategic advantages. Systematic technology scouting keeps you competitive and strengthens your innovative power.
Stage 03

Strategic planning

1. recognize and validate use case
Identify and validate clear use cases for your products or technologies to maximize marketability and customer value. Base your decisions on sound market and competitive analyses.
2. formulate market entry strategy
Develop a comprehensive go-to-market strategy that covers all aspects of market launch and positioning. Integrate market entry strategies, pricing models and distribution strategies to ensure a successful product launch.
3. develop an innovation strategy
Develop a long-term innovation strategy that includes research and development, technology transfer and market adaptation. Foster a culture of innovation and ensure a sustainable innovation pipeline to increase shareholder value and remain competitive.
Stage 04


1. willingness to finance and invest
Prepare your company optimally for external investors or your own investments. We support you in creating convincing financial plans, presentations and company valuations to demonstrate your financial stability and growth potential.
2. ongoing evaluation
Stay flexible and market-oriented in your budget. Our regular strategy and controlling reviews help you to react to changes at an early stage and adapt your corporate strategy. We offer you continuous monitoring and adjustment of long-term projects to ensure their success and optimize your company's value.
3. transformation strategy
Develop scalable and innovative technology concepts that support your growth and secure your competitiveness. We create tailor-made roadmaps that include the integration and optimization of existing systems and the planning of future technological developments. Highlight your technical potential and increase the value of your company.
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You can rely on us


Innovation mit Weitblick

Mit unserem Technology Trend Tracking bleiben Sie der Konkurrenz immer einen Schritt voraus.
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Entdeckung ungenutzter Marktpotenziale

Mit unserem Technology Opportunity Mapping erschließen Sie neue Anwendungsfelder für Ihre Innovationen und maximieren Ihren Markterfolg.
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Positionierung für Ihren Erfolg

Mit unserem Technology Evaluation Compass ergründen wir den Wert und Potenziale Ihrer Innovation.
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Lizenzschätze heben

Mit unserer Technology Portfolio Optimisation finden Sie versteckte Potenziale und Lizensierungs­möglichkeiten.
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Profitable Verwertung

Mit unserer Expert Opinion unterstützen wir Sie bei der profitablen Verwertung Ihrer Innovation.
Mehr erfahren
Act now

Find your product


Tech Trend Tracker

Bleiben Sie der Konkurrenz immer einen Schritt voraus.

Technology Opportunity Mapping

Neue Anwendungs­felder und Markterfolg für Ihre Inno­vation.

Technology Evaluation Compass

Wert und Potenziale Ihrer Innovation.

Technology Portfolio Optimisation

Versteckte Potenziale und Lizensierungs­­möglichkeiten.

Expert Opinion

Profitablen Verwertung Ihrer Innovation.

white ip | Group





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You build the future. We create the framework.

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