white ip | Patent & Legal GmbH
Königstraße 7
01097 Dresden
+49 (0) 351 896 921 40
white ip | Business Solutions GmbH
Königstraße 7
01097 Dresden
+49 (0) 351 896 921 50
white ip | Tax Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH
Königstraße 7
01097 Dresden
+49 (0) 351 896 921 58
Patent & Legal

Industrial property protection

Intellectual property law is not so much an independent field of law as an amalgamation of a wide variety of legal matters. It comprises industrial property rights of traders in intangible assets, for example utility models, trade marks or technical inventions.

Every entrepreneur is in competition with other players. To ensure that no company or entrepreneur is disadvantaged, Germany and Europe created a large number of rules that entrepreneurs must comply with. In Germany, these rules and laws relate to different areas of law and are summarised under the term „Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz“. The aim is to protect one’s own business and trade so that every entrepreneur has the opportunity to be a participant in the market and protect their business fundamentals and trade secrets. Secondly, it is about protecting competition, because every market participant benefits from fair competition – from the manufacturer to the customer. This ensures, for example, that prices do not rise unreasonably.
Industrial property protection

Overview of the core services

The term industrial property rights covers various areas of law that serve to protect intellectual property or intangible assets such as patents, licences or trademarks.


Trademark Law

Trade mark applications in Germany, the EU, the USA and internationally; searches, expert opinions and support in the event of trade mark infringements – our experts specialising in trade mark law are there for you!


Patent law

Patents protect new technical inventions or manufacturing processes. From the search, application, to the exploitation and defence of patents – we are here to help you with your patent strategy.


Competition Law

Whether in sport or in everyday business life: competition is tough in many areas. Competition law ensures that he remains fair in business. How far are competitors allowed to go? How should the relationship between market participants be regulated? Do your contracts fulfil antitrust requirements? We will clarify all questions with you.


Licence law

Would you like to monetise your inventions, designs or trade marks? By granting licences, you can profit directly from your property rights without having to worry about the cost-intensive production and distribution yourself.


Media law

Internet, social media, press, TV and radio – wherever content is published, it must be handled in a legally compliant manner. Whether copyright, image rights, regulations for content creators, influencers and other media professionals: our lawyers are at your side.


Copyright law

To ensure that your works are optimally protected, white ip | Patent & Legal advises you on all legal issues relating to the protection of your works: from proving your copyright to enforcing your rights.


Design law

Would you like to protect your handcrafted or industrially manufactured products from imitators for up to 25 years? Our law firm supports you with German, EU-wide and international design applications and with the enforcement of your design rights.


Utility model law

The little brother of the patent, the utility model, is quicker, simpler and also cheaper than patent protection. Which industrial property right is the most suitable for you? Together we will find the most suitable IP right for your objectives and represent your legal interests in all official, extrajudicial and judicial proceedings.

Such a wealth of legal areas can be confusing for traders. Therefore, infringements of rights can quickly occur when operating a business, for example through the infringement of intellectual property or the violation of patent or naming rights. Such infringements can result in costly legal disputes.

The best way to prevent this is to contact an intellectual property lawyer.
But even if an infringement has already occurred, our lawyers are there for you.

Industrial property protection

Our services

The areas of activity of our lawyers in intellectual property law include the following:

Our patent and commercial law firm offers comprehensive and expert advice on all questions and legal issues relating to intellectual property. We represent our clients nationwide in all legal disputes relating to intellectual property and related areas of law, both in and out of court.

Competition law

Speak to our experts

white ip | Group


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