IP protection and valuation | IT and software
A German SME’s innovation in the field of IT security was registered for a patent and subjected to a quantitative evaluation for further utilisation.
Software company (DE, SME)
IT | Software
IP protection, IP value, white ip | Business Solutions, white ip | Patent & Legal
A new procedure has been developed to make websites and hosting services more secure. The innovation has been registered for a patent and is to be utilised in an appropriate manner. For further activities, the patent is to be subjected to a quantitative evaluation.
The process from the software sector was protected by the patent application. The quantitative valuation of the patent made it possible to determine an objective value (“fair value”) of the property right. The first step was to carry out a thorough market analysis, including research and evaluation of relevant market data. The valuation of property rights included determining the sources of revenue and allocating them to the property rights.
The valuation report prepared in accordance with the IDW S 5 standard documents the results of the previous steps and serves as an asset for the company when negotiating with investors.
The overview gained of the market in the technology sector not only enables the process to be categorised, but also serves the company as a basis for sound strategic decisions.