white ip | Patent & Legal GmbH
Königstraße 7
01097 Dresden
+49 (0) 351 896 921 40
white ip | Business Solutions GmbH
Königstraße 7
01097 Dresden
+49 (0) 351 896 921 50
white ip | Tax Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH
Königstraße 7
01097 Dresden
+49 (0) 351 896 921 58

Technology Opportunity Mapping

Our Technology Opportunity Mapping (TOM) provides a comprehensive technological assessment of a technology or invention area and highlights its transformative potential in different sectors. We evaluate various factors to identify strategic opportunities in key application areas. This analysis integrates 6 different evaluation criteria to provide a multi-dimensional view for informed decision making.

The use cases of the TOM include the identification of specific applications, in particular for basic developments and platform technologies, as they occur in the early stages of technology and development. The aim is to provide researchers and developers with a tool for making targeted decisions. We show which hurdles and opportunities arise with various options in order to drive development forward in a targeted manner and enable successful implementation.

Another problem that TOM can solve is the search for new fields of application for established technologies and skills in a company. New developments often pose a challenge to existing production lines and threaten to make business areas obsolete. For example, a TOM analysis can be used to adapt existing processes for new products in order to diversify the product range and open up new markets.

The Technology Opportunity Mapping (TOM) provides a comprehensive assessment of technological invention reports. The result is a poster containing 3 to 5 use cases with brief assessments, including evaluations of innovation activity, market potential, regional relevance, regulatory environment, average patent value and sustainability.

In addition, written documentation is provided that explains the sources and methodology in detail and ensures the robustness of the results. This combined analysis enables informed decision making and demonstrates the transformative potential of the technology in different sectors to maximize strategic opportunities.

white ip | Patent & Legal is your specialized contact for the unique fusion of commercial and patent law perspectives in the DACH region. Our expertise is valued and utilized by institutes, start-ups and companies alike.

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Innovation mit Weitblick

Mit unserem Technology Trend Tracking bleiben Sie der Konkurrenz immer einen Schritt voraus.
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Entdeckung ungenutzter Marktpotenziale

Mit unserem Technology Opportunity Mapping erschließen Sie neue Anwendungsfelder für Ihre Innovationen und maximieren Ihren Markterfolg.
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Positionierung für Ihren Erfolg

Mit unserem Technology Evaluation Compass ergründen wir den Wert und Potenziale Ihrer Innovation.
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Lizenzschätze heben

Mit unserer Technology Portfolio Optimisation finden Sie versteckte Potenziale und Lizensierungs­möglichkeiten.
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Profitable Verwertung

Mit unserer Expert Opinion unterstützen wir Sie bei der profitablen Verwertung Ihrer Innovation.
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Tech Trend Tracker

Do you have any other questions? We are here for you with pleasure!

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