Legal clarity for employers - your competitive edge.
From the conclusion of a legally compliant, up-to-date employment contract to the ongoing coordination of measures in the employment relationship and support during the termination process: In many cases, close cooperation with a specialist employment lawyer can help to avoid disputes.
Our employment law attorneys handle legal disputes for our business clients effectively and in line with their interests, from traditional dismissal protection claims and wage disputes to disputes over vacation pay and severance pay in the event of dismissal.
We can support you with these problems in employment law
We support you in all employment law matters and, thanks to the comprehensive focus of our law firm, we can also help you with cases that involve other areas of law in addition to employment law. Be it data protection, discrimination, tax law or commercial law – our broad and deep expertise in all areas of corporate law and our many years of experience in representing directors, managers, employees and employers enable us to find suitable strategies and solutions.
Personnel measures and dismissals
Advice on regulations and formalities in the event of dismissals as well as support for personnel measures associated with dismissals, transfers of undertakings and outsourcing measures, transfer measures or dismissals with notice of change.
Dismissal protection claims
Representation in court in dismissal protection actions and nationwide legal representation of member companies of guilds, especially in the case of suspected dismissals or other dismissal protection proceedings as well as labor law problems in the event of no or too little severance pay in the event of dismissal, a bad reference, bullying at the workplace.
Employment contract
Our employment law lawyers draw up employment contracts that represent your interests in a legally secure manner.
We also offer to regularly review your employment contracts and adapt them to current case law.
Cancellation agreement
Termination agreements allow employers to structure the terms of separation and avoid lengthy and costly legal disputes that could arise in the event of termination without mutual agreement.
Severance pay on termination
Severance pay is a matter for negotiation: whether and when severance pay is paid and how much it is depends on the specific circumstances.
We support you from the examination of the severance payment claim to the calculation of the severance payment amount.
Working time accounts
Forms, crediting, legal agreements: the lawyers at the Dresden law firm white ip | Patent & Legal will answer your questions about working time accounts and support you in disputes concerning working time accounts and overtime compensation.
Special terminationprotection
Advice from a specialist lawyer for employment law on the special protection against dismissal associated with maternity protection, severe disability, parental leave and care leave.
Collective bargaining and wage issues
Negotiations and consultations with any existing works or staff councils through to collective bargaining.
Employment references
Advice on and review of employment references and legal support in disputes arising from employment references.
Consult our Employment and Labour Law experts
Albrecht Lauf
white ip | Patent & Legal
Königstraße 7 | 01097 Dresden
white ip | Patent & Legal
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