white ip | Patent & Legal GmbH
Königstraße 7
01097 Dresden
+49 (0) 351 896 921 40
white ip | Business Solutions GmbH
Königstraße 7
01097 Dresden
+49 (0) 351 896 921 50
white ip | Tax Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH
Königstraße 7
01097 Dresden
+49 (0) 351 896 921 58
white ip | Patent & Legal

Sabrina Lahne

Sabrina Lahne is an attorney at white ip | Patent & Legal.

She advises clients on commercial law issues. Her focus is on trademark law.

Sabrina Lahne

Counselling focus

  • Contract law and contract drafting, in particular general terms and conditions (GTC)
  • Industrial property protection
  • Commercial tenancy law and drafting of tenancy agreements


  • Advice on trademark law and trademark registration
  • Trademark infringements
  • Intellectual property law with copyright, competition and antitrust law
  • Advice and drafting of contracts in the areas of license agreements, general terms and conditions and rental agreements
  • Out-of-court and in-court advice, support and representation of clients

In which area can I support you?

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Sabrina Lahne
Attorney at Law
Sabrina Lahne

white ip | Patent & Legal
Königstraße 7 | 01097 Dresden

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