white ip | Patent & Legal GmbH
Königstraße 7
01097 Dresden
+49 (0) 351 896 921 40
white ip | Business Solutions GmbH
Königstraße 7
01097 Dresden
+49 (0) 351 896 921 50
white ip | Tax Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH
Königstraße 7
01097 Dresden
+49 (0) 351 896 921 58
white ip | Patent & Legal

Albrecht Lauf

Albrecht Lauf is a lawyer and Managing Partner of white ip | Patent & Legal.

Mr. Lauf is a specialist lawyer in the areas of corporate and employment law. He advises and represents corporations and partnerships, research institutes, educational institutions and interest groups throughout Germany.

He specializes in advising on business start-ups, transactions and cooperations as well as contract law.

Albrecht Lauf regularly shares his business-oriented knowledge and expertise in lectures, training events and publications.

Latest articles from Albrecht Lauf

Counselling focus

Commercial and Corporate Law

  • Advice and support with structural measures under company law (formations, disputes, capital increases); in particular advice on the choice of legal form, taking into account the operational risk (sole trader, GmbH, OHG, KG, AG)
  • advising, representing and supporting the acting bodies, as well as drafting articles of association
  • Company split-up and transformation
  • Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A): Mergers of companies, acquisition of company shares, transfers of businesses or company cooperations
  • Company succession consulting
  • Company acquisitions and sales

Employment law

  • Ongoing specialist legal advice in personnel matters, e.g. warnings, dismissal, transfer of business, outsourcing measures
  • Support for clients in the event of termination
  • Creation of legally compliant employment contracts
  • Flexible working time and remuneration models
  • Negotiations and consultations with works council/staff council/trade unions
  • Employee data protection, employee monitoring

Risk management and entrepreneurial inheritance law

  • Emergency planning for entrepreneurs
  • Compliance checks
  • Due diligence audits
  • Succession planning taking into account profitable and viable solutions, comprehensive succession planning
  • Advice and planning for the drafting of company wills, inheritance and marriage contracts suitable for companies
  • Entrepreneurial powers of attorney, execution of wills for the continuation of the business
  • Preparation of analyses and plans in relation to the upcoming business handover, securing departing entrepreneurs, tax optimization
  • Preventive advice on inheritance law for entrepreneurs and support for company-related inheritance law measures
Albrecht Lauf
Specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law | Specialist lawyer for employment law
Albrecht Lauf

white ip | Patent & Legal
Königstraße 7 | 01097 Dresden

In which area can I support you?

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